Failure To Diagnose A Heart Attack Or Stroke May Be Cause For Legal Action
While heart attack and stroke are both serious medical conditions, they are both treatable, provided they are diagnosed in a timely manner. If there is a failure to diagnose one of these serious conditions, it could lead to death or serious harm to the patient.
At the law office of Smith, Meier & Webb, LPA, our lawyers hold doctors and medical professionals accountable for failure to diagnose heart attack or stroke. With more than 30 years of experience serving people in Springboro and throughout Ohio, we know how to identify medical negligence and build strong cases to get compensation for the victims.
In cases involving failure to diagnose, you may be entitled to compensation for additional medical costs resulting from the untimely diagnosis of heart attack or stroke. You may be entitled to compensation for lost wages, pain and suffering, and more. If you have lost a loved one, you may be able to collect additional compensation for funeral costs and personal loss.
What Caused The Misdiagnosis Of Stroke Or Heart Attack?
Our attorneys conduct thorough investigations of these cases. When appropriate, we work with leading medical experts to help us find out what went wrong and who is liable for the delayed diagnosis and subsequent delay of treatment.
These are often emergency room (ER) misdiagnosis cases. The victim may go to the ER and complain about stroke or heart attack symptoms, only to be diagnosed with a less serious condition because the ER doctor and staff did not take the time to fully review the situation. Unfortunately, with the opportunity to prevent or mitigate the damage lost, the victim may suffer a full-blown stroke or heart attack, often on his or her way home from the ER.
We will take action to hold accountable anyone responsible for the failure to diagnose: emergency room doctors, primary care doctors, laboratory staff and hospitals. We will find out who was to blame and build a strong case designed to succeed at trial.
Contact The Firm For A Free Consultation
Please call our office at 937-557-0128 or 513-445-5017 for a free consultation with an experienced lawyer. You may also contact us online.