Penalties Are More Severe For Repeat OVI Charges
Perhaps a night out has turned into one of your nightmares: You have been stopped by police and charged with operating a vehicle under the influence (OVI) of alcohol or drugs. If you already have an OVI conviction on your record, the stakes are much higher. This time around, you know you will need to contact a lawyer immediately.
Smith, Meier & Webb, LPA, offers an investigation into your case and an aggressive defense.
Stricter Laws As A Safety Measure
Thousands of OVI arrests are made annually in Ohio. As a result, harsher laws have been passed and sentencing requirements have been extended to the courts and the police departments. One example is the courts’ ability to review the last 10 to 20 years of your record.
During a review of your case, the look back period may determine whether or not your current charge is considered a second offense; this determination will be factored into the consequences you may face.
Consequences For Multiple Convictions
In the event of a second OVI conviction, you will lose your license for at least one year and possibly for up to seven years. There is also a mandatory jail sentence of 10 days, which can be increased to six months depending on the results of your sobriety test or refusal of the test. Other mandatory consequences include:
- Yellow license plates (party plates)
- Ignition interlock
- Immobilization of your vehicle (a boot lock)
- No driving privileges for 45 days
If you have been charged with a third OVI, the consequences become harsher, with a minimum of 30 days in jail and possibly up to one year. Your license will be suspended for at least two years, which can be extended to 12 years. Other mandatory consequences include:
- Yellow license plates (party plates)
- Ignition interlock
- If you own your vehicle or the title is in your name, you will have to turn the vehicle over to the state
- No driving privileges for 180 days
A fourth OVI charge is considered a felony. It is imperative that you contact an attorney immediately in order to minimize the impact of a subsequent drunk driving charge.
Know Your Rights, Know Your Options
You do not have to accept the consequences with a guilty plea. Allow us to investigate and build a strong defense to find a proper resolution for your specific case.
To gain a full understanding of your rights and explore your options, contact us today using this online form for a free consultation at our Springboro office. If you would prefer to speak someone, call us at 937-557-0128.