A prenuptial agreement may not have been on your radar the first time you got married. This may have worked out alright if you had few assets. However, your life has probably changed a great deal since then. If you are preparing to enter a subsequent marriage, it may...
Month: July 2019
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Ohio family law: Wedding debt may lead to divorce
Getting married is fun, exciting and stressful all at the same time. Couples in Ohio want their day to be perfect, which is understandable. For some, that will mean taking on debt to have the wedding party of their dreams. That may seem worth it at the time, but those...
Ohio family law: When money problems lead to divorce
Money, money, money: It is needed to live a certain life, but it is the cause of numerous marital problems. A recently published article named it the top thing about which married couples fight. Here are a few of the main reasons money causes so much trouble in...