If you get pulled over by the police, the officer is going to come up and talk to you on the side of the road. This interaction is when they gather information from you and get a sense of the situation. For instance, if the officer suspects that you were driving under...
Criminal Defense
Police may be able to enter your home in an emergency
Most of the time, police officers are not able to enter your home except under specific circumstances. The first thing they’ll look for is consent. An officer who wants to look around or even have a conversation with you may simply knock on your door and ask for...
Are DUI checkpoints legal in Ohio?
A DUI checkpoint is different than a traffic stop. At the checkpoint, the police officers will block the road and at least minimally engage with every driver. They may want to see the person’s driver’s license and then ask them questions. If they suspect that the...
How to avoid a Fourth of July OVI in Ohio
The Fourth of July is a big holiday for parties all over the nation. Your celebration can turn into a legal nightmare if you’re charged with operating a vehicle while impaired (OVI) on the way home. You can anticipate an increased police presence on the road during...
When can the police search your vehicle?
Hearing the siren and seeing the flashing lights in your rearview mirror is already an anxiety-inducing experience. It becomes even more so if the police officer asks to search your vehicle. Your first inclination may be to be helpful and cooperative. However, you...
What happens after police officers conduct an unlawful search?
Police officers help to enforce the law by responding to calls for help and intervening when they notice what seems to be illegal behavior. Oftentimes, investigations into potential criminal activity require that police officers conduct searches of private property....
Is shoplifting on the uptick?
If you watch the news, you might believe that we are currently experiencing a huge wave of shoplifting and other retail theft. But is that actually true? For those who live in large cities on both coasts, there does appear to be an increase in theft from retail stores...
If you get pulled over, do you have to answer questions?
Getting pulled over by the police can be nerve-racking and confusing. You may not know what you did wrong. You may be worried about getting arrested or getting a ticket. Often, it feels like you just have to do whatever the police tell you and hope that things work...
The problems that arise when the police use geofencing warrants
Law enforcement throughout Ohio and other states have many investigative tools at their disposal. However, some of these tools and technologies raise questions from the general public. One tool that has become a topic of concern is geofencing, which uses location data...
Understanding the components of a burglary charge in Ohio
In Ohio, burglary is a serious criminal offense that could result in jail time and hefty fines. Thankfully, it may be possible to have the court reduce or dismiss these charges if the defendant can prove that the prosecutor did not meet certain criteria, which...