In your mind, it sounds simple enough to ask for a prenuptial agreement. You share your thoughts with your partner, they agree and you move forward with the creation of this legal document. But then something happens. As you prepare to ask for a prenuptial agreement,...
Month: November 2019
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The divorce alternative offered via collaborative law
So, you’re getting divorced. In Ohio, as elsewhere, that process can unfold in myriad ways. Many couples whose marriages have been marked more by persistent hostility than amicability end their unions in the same vein that they endured them. That is, they spar...
Hidden marital assets: when impending exes don’t play fair
Some soon-to-be former spouses in Ohio aren’t inclined to routinely engage in ethical conduct during the divorce process. Although many dissolutions feature relative civility between splitting partners, legions too are marked by uncompromising behavior and...