When you are involved in an automobile accident, your whole world can turn upside down in an instant. Dealing with injuries, medical bills and recovery can quickly add up in costs if you are not compensated after being found not at fault for the accident itself. In...
Month: July 2021
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What are three myths about divorce that parents should ignore?
Throughout your divorce, one of your greatest concerns will probably be the mental well-being of your children. After all, going through a divorce in Springboro, Ohio can be disruptive and painful for everyone. Young children often lack the ability to communicate or...
Gray divorce: Why long-term marriages end
Overall, divorce rates in Ohio and the rest of the United States are declining, but so-called "gray divorces" are skyrocketing. Increasingly, couples who've been married for decades are calling it quits. But what's fueling the trend? Why are more long-term marriages...