When someone is convicted of a crime in Ohio, the court has several sentencing options available, including jail time, probation, and community residential sanction. In some cases, the court may also order a combination of community residential sanctions.
Understanding community residential sanctions
Community residential sanctions are alternatives to jail that allow the offender to live in the community while under supervision. These programs typically involve some type of treatment or counseling, and offenders may be required to perform community service or attend classes. There are various community residential sanction programs available, and the court will choose the one it believes is best for the offender.
Types of community residential sanctions
There are two main types of community residential sanctions: electronic monitoring and halfway houses. Electronic monitoring is when an offender is required to wear a device that tracks their location. This allows them to live at home while still being monitored by the court. Halfway houses are places where offenders can live while transitioning back into society. These homes typically have rules and regulations that the residents must follow, and they may be required to participate in treatment or counseling.
Benefits of community residential sanctions
When charged with a crime, your criminal defense attorney, in most cases, will try to get you this alternative to a jail term due to their various advantages, like allowing you to maintain your job and be with your family. Additionally, community residential sanctions are typically less expensive than jail time, and they give offenders the opportunity to get the help they need to turn their lives around.
If you are sentenced to a community residential sanction, it is important to remember that the court is still supervising you. You will be required to follow the rules of your program and report to your probation officer or case manager on a regular basis. If you fail to comply with the rules or miss appointments, you may be required to serve jail time.