Accidents involving semitrailers and other large commercial haulers happen all too often in Ohio and elsewhere. When they do, victims tend to suffer severe, if not fatal, injuries. Should those who have lost loved ones or suffered injuries in trucking accidents count on insurance providers to offer fair compensation for their losses? Or should one turn to a personal injury attorney in order to seek maximum relief?
At the end of the day, it all depends on the person and the case. Some may be happy with the settlements offered them right off the bat. However, others may be offered far less than what they really need to move forward, or nothing at all if it is claimed they are found partially at fault.
There is a lot to consider in truck accident cases. Fault, for example, may not be clear and a truck driver and/or the trucker’s company is likely to push to prove the victim was at fault in some way. Truck accident liability goes well beyond the drivers involved. Insurance companies, employers, contractors and vehicle manufacturers — among others — can be held responsible for a victim’s losses. Without legal assistance, it may be difficult to bring claims against all potentially liable parties, particularly if an attempt is made to shift partial blame to the victim.
Going up to bat alone against an insurance company, trucking company or any other entity that has attorneys working for it may not be a wise decision. A personal injury attorney will know the right questions to ask, the right places to look for evidence and the right legal strategy to utilize in order for victims or their family members to push for compensation. If litigation in an Ohio civil court or out-of-court negotiations prove successful, fair and full relief may be achieved.
Source: FindLaw, “Should I Get a Truck Accident Lawyer?“, Accessed on Jan. 4, 2018