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An overview of custody and visitation rights

On Behalf of | Apr 11, 2022 | Family Law

If you get divorced in the state of Ohio, you may be able to seek custody or visitation rights to your children. Depending on the circumstances of your case, you may be granted legal or physical guardianship of your sons or daughters. If you don’t get custody of a child, you will likely be given the ability to have unsupervised or supervised visitation with your kids.

Understanding the various forms of custody

Legal custody means that you have the ability to make decisions about how your child is raised. Physical custody means that your child is allowed to live with you without any major restrictions. A court may grant you sole custody or shared custody depending on what is in the best interests of your child. It’s important to note that you may be given legal custody without being given physical child custody rights.

Understanding the various forms of visitation

Supervised visitation is usually ordered whenever there are questions about a child’s safety while in the presence of a parent. Typically, it will occur in a public place and under the watchful eye of a trained professional. It’s also possible that having supervised visitation means that you interact with your child electronically as opposed to in a physical setting. Unsupervised visitation can take place almost anywhere, and in some cases, your child will be allowed to spend time with you at your home.

There is a good chance that you will be able to maintain a relationship with your son or daughter after a divorce or separation. Whether you are a child’s primary caregiver or a noncustodial mother or father, it’s important to embrace your role in his or her life. It’s important to note that custody orders can be modified if circumstances change.
