Prenuptial agreements are only for rich people, right? That is what a lot of people tend to believe. The truth is, they are for anyone with assets that they want to protect going into their marriages. Ohio residents who are on the fence about prenups can turn to a family law attorney for guidance on the matter.
Why consider a prenuptial agreement? One who is getting married for the first time may think a prenup is unromantic and is not the right way to start off the marriage. However, with this attitude, any property brought into the marriage that ends up being commingled with one’s spouse can later be considered shared property and subject to division if the marriage ends in divorce, unless there is a contract in place protecting that separate property.
Those who have been through divorce already, and have children and assets they wish to protect going into a second or third marriage, can really benefit from prenuptial agreements. They are likely to have more on the line if their new marriages also fail. It is impossible to know if a marriage will last until one is in it. There is no harm in seeking a little protection beforehand.
While signing a prenuptial agreement can make a marriage feel more like a business contract than a loving union between two individuals, at the end of the day, it is just a piece of paper that may or may not be utilized down the line. Signing a prenup does not mean one’s marriage will fail. It just means that, in the event it does, both parties will know what to expect and have the ability to walk away from the marriage with a mutually agreed-upon settlement. An Ohio family law attorney can help those interested in prenuptial agreements prepare contracts that are both fair and binding.
Source:, “Why Engaged Couples Should Sign A Prenuptial Agreement“, Robert DiGiacomo, Accessed on May 11, 2018