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Have a wrongful death case? A personal injury attorney can help

On Behalf of | Mar 9, 2018 | Personal Injury

Losing a loved one is never an easy thing to get through. When the loss is the result of another person’s negligent actions, it can make the situation even more unbearable. If you are one of the many Ohio residents who thinks you may have a wrongful death case on your hands, a personal injury attorney with experience handling such cases may be able to help you seek compensation for your losses.

How do I know if filing a wrongful death claim is appropriate? Some cases may be pretty straightforward. For example, a drunk driver hit your husband’s car and he died upon impact. Drunk driving is considered a negligent (as well as criminal) action. If you can successfully establish that the driver responsible was indeed drunk at the time of the crash — usually through police and toxicology reports — filing a wrongful death claim would likely be appropriate.

Other cases may not so easy to prove. Medical malpractice cases, for example, can take a while to investigate. Medical specialists are often needed to review the finer details of the case in order to determine if the actions of medical providers directly resulted in your loved one’s death and those actions were not within the appropriate standard of care.

Whether your case seems pretty straightforward or if you think you have a case but are unsure, a personal injury attorney can review the details of the matter and help you choose the best way to proceed. If filing legal claims against the responsible party in an Ohio civil court is believed to be appropriate, your attorney will do everything possible to seek maximum relief for you and your family. To learn more about wrongful death claims and how legal counsel can help you, please take a moment and visit our firm’s website.
