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Ohio family law: to mediate or not to mediate?

On Behalf of | Dec 1, 2017 | Family Law

There are a lot of questions and concerns that come with ending one’s marriage. Ohio residents who are thinking about divorce likely want to know what all of their options are and which dissolution process will best work for them. This column will address the ins and outs of one process in particular — mediation — and also go over how a family law attorney can still be helpful if this route is chosen.

There are a lot of benefits to utilizing mediation when getting a divorce. It is done out of court, generally takes less time and typically saves a couple a lot of money. Mediation is completed on a couple’s own time line. Sessions are scheduled when convenient for both parties. It is done in a neutral location with an unbiased third-party sitting in to help keep negotiations going.

Mediation does take a significant amount of work and trust. Each party has to be willing to negotiate. Each party needs to be honest and open. When one spouse is unwilling to budge on certain demands or is hiding assets — among a number of other issues — mediation may not be the way to go.

So, to mediate or not to mediate? It is great for some, not for others. Ohio residents who are considering mediation can speak to a family law attorney in order to get more information about the process and determine if it will best benefit their situations. If mediation is the route that is chosen, one can continue turning to his or her attorney for guidance in order to make sure the final settlement is fair before submitting divorce papers for court approval.

Source:, “How To Know If Divorce Mediation Is Right For You (Or If You Need A Lawyer)“, Kevin J. Chroman, Nov. 21, 2017
