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Ohio family law: This child support debate rages on

On Behalf of | Oct 27, 2017 | Family Law

For parents in Ohio as well as other states, financially supporting their minor children is not optional. There are numerous children in the state who depend on child support coming in from non-custodial parents. When it is not paid or when the amount ordered is not enough, it is the children who suffer. Unfortunately, in the realm of family law matters, this is an issue that requires attention from the state. 

Lawmakers in Ohio are currently reviewing the state’s child support laws. Many believe that they are outdated. This has been the belief for quite some time, but lawmakers have not been able to agree on what changes should be made to improve the system.

When it comes to determining how much a child should receive in monthly support or what options are available for support enforcement, the current laws that dictate such actions were put in the books over 25 years ago. A lot has changed in that time. For example, more fathers are taking on the primary caregiver role, but current state laws do not allow enforcement agencies to force a mother to make child support payments. This leaves these dads with few options.

Lawmakers are proposing changes that will better define who enforcement agencies can pressure to make child support payments. They are also wanting to adjust how support is calculated — among other things. The bill seeking these changes was set to be voted on in mid-October.

Family law matters can be rather complicated, especially when they involve children. Even if lawmakers cannot agree on how things should work out in regard to child support, it does not mean that parents in Ohio cannot fight for fair support orders. With the assistance of legal counsel, custodial parents can take the steps necessary to achieve the child support orders that meets needs of their children.

Source:, “Outdated and overdue, lawmakers take on child support this week“, Jason Aubry, Oct. 16, 2017
