For most couples in Ohio and elsewhere who decide to end their marriages, the divorce process is not always easy or straightforward. This is particularly true for those who have quite a few shared assets — such as the Jolie-Pitts. This high profile divorce has been in the news and the latest information is saying that the process has been put on hold due to former couple’s inability to agree on what to do with their assets. They are likely counting on their individual family law attorneys to help them through this difficult time so that each party can walk away satisfied with the final result.
According to reports, Brad and Angelina separated in Sept. 2016 with Angelina filing for divorce that same month. The two have been married for just over two years but were a couple for over a decade before tying the knot. Together they share several properties, a wine business and various collections — all valued in the millions.
Apparently there is some dispute about what should be divided, kept or sold. The couple is said to have a prenuptial agreement; however, there are some issues with it and what it does and does not cover. Due to the lack of movement, the dissolution process has been halted.
Taking a step back in order to re-evaluate is not necessarily a bad thing. This is something from which most couples in Ohio and elsewhere — not just celebrities — who are struggling to come to agreeable terms can benefit. By taking a break, each party will have the ability to rethink about what they want to get out of the divorce process and can work with their family law attorneys in order to determine the best way to move forward.
Source:, “Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt shut down divorce for financial reasons”, Aug. 15, 2017